After many years of ad hoc fund raising and support, we set up our Charitable Foundation in 2010. In the last 8 years alone, we are proud that we have been able to donate over £300,000 to good causes.
Each office looks to support its local community, helping to fund projects that result in tangible outcomes and real benefits to people in their neighbourhood. We have particularly focussed on individuals and organisations that do not have the profile or resources to attract regular fundraising and sponsorship. Local office fund raising can be anything from quizzes and bake offs, to bike rides and llama walks!
In addition, using funds that are raised centrally, the Trustees look to support organisations that might touch the lives of any member of the team.
Many of our staff and partners already contribute personally to causes that are dear to them and we recognise and support their commitment, through our matched time and funding schemes.
Throughout 2020 and 2021, we supported Macmillan as our firmwide charity and were delighted to have exceeded our £50,000 fundraising target. Our chosen charity for 2022 was Cancer Research UK, for whom we raised over £22,000. In 2023, each office has nominated their own local charity to support.
We are also looking forward to undertaking our third ‘Make A Difference Week’ in July, where we will be undertaking different practical volunteering activities to give back to our communities.
The Menzies Charitable Foundation is formally registered as a charity (charity number 1136667).