Our service approach

Global mobility is increasingly a key feature in driving business success. The need to maintain business performance and generate growth means exploring new markets. Whether by accident or by design a globally mobile workforce brings great opportunities and challenges to both the company and the worker.

Planned international assignments or secondments hold a key role, whether by enabling footholds to be established in strategic markets or providing international experience for future leaders. Remote working temporarily, permanently or in an ad-hoc manner is a common scenario these days.

Whilst technology has made it possible for people to work from anywhere at any time, this adds more complexity and challenges to the already complex world of multi-jurisdictional tax and social security compliance.

The business and personal needs related to each category of mobile worker is different and therefore the type and level of support required by each will vary from case to case and country to country.

If you want the best from your people, then appropriate consideration of their remuneration packages and taxation is a necessity, if they are relocating to work in another jurisdiction. It is equally important to ensure that the business remain compliant in all aspects of their overseas presence.

Our services

The multitude of challenges and tax implications can seem like a huge hurdle and a barrier to having an agile and mobile workforce. When an employee is sent to work overseas, their focus should be on their work without unduly worrying about the tax implications of their assignment or trip. Whilst not always possible, advance planning and learning from experience holds the key to any successful assignment, business trip or business venture overseas.

Our Global Mobility, Employment Tax and People Solutions teams can jointly provide you with the necessary support to navigate this complex world though advance planning and practical advice. With the support of our extensive network of HLB International partner firms we can help to ensure tax and social security compliance for your business and your employee in every jurisdiction that you operate or have employees in.

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