Whether you are looking to float on capital markets, grow by acquisition or sell parts or all of your business, it is essential that you know the full implications of what is involved.

We offer a range of transaction services to help you understand the risks as well the opportunities in a business.

What is due diligence?

Our comprehensive due diligence approach is designed to add value to the transaction by providing a thorough understanding of the process – watch our short guide below:

The early identification of areas of concern and risk, together with recommendations and advice is an essential part of the service we provide. We have a thoughtful, discreet and bespoke approach to all assignments. We will report to you with the key information you require to make the right investment decision for your business.

Key information covered in our due diligence reports

  • Business drivers and market drivers
  • Historical and current performance, including its Key Performance Indicators
  • Quality of underlying earnings
  • Cash generation
  • Tax planning
  • Robustness of the financial projections and how they compare to historical and current results

    Employee benefits

  • Industry appraisal
  • Tax and commercial reputation.

Business valuations

Our specialist Valuations team is able to draw upon expertise from across the firm, as well as many years of experience in performing valuations, in order to provide a high quality output. We are able to perform valuations and provide assistance in connection with the following, for all types of business:

Tax issues

Almost all commercial transactions that involve acquiring, divesting or restructuring assets have a significant tax implication. We work closely with our tax team to develop and structure efficient tax solutions, no matter how complex the deal.

Transaction support documentation

We can also advise on many areas of acquisition terms and documentation including warranties and indemnities, sufficiency of working capital, net debt and completion accounts.

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