Paternity Leave

Key facts on paternity leave

Paternity leave and pay is a statutory entitlement for employees whose partner is having a baby, adopting a child or having a baby through a surrogacy arrangement. The leave is up to 2 weeks which is paid at the statutory weekly rate (for 2023/24, the lower of £172.48, or 90% of your average weekly earnings.

To qualify for statutory paternity leave you must be taking time off to look after the child and be one of the following: 

  • the father 
  • the husband or partner of the mother (or adopter) – this includes same-sex partners 
  • the child’s adopter 
  • the intended parent (if you’re having a baby through a surrogacy arrangement) 

  • Paternity leave is up to two weeks leave at or around the birth of the child 
  • You must request paternity leave and pay through your employer at least 15 weeks before the baby is due. 
  • Can be taken in two separate weeks or two consecutive weeks. 
  • Must have 26 weeks service at 15 weeks before due date 
  • Paid at the statutory weekly rate 
  • Also entitled to take unpaid time off to accompany their pregnant partner to up to two ante-natal appointments. 

Retaining Staff

Part of your retention strategy might be to support working parents by enhancing the 2-week paternity leave payment.  E.g. some employers match the pay amount that a mother would have during the first 2 weeks of her maternity pay. 

If you have any queries or questions regarding paternity leave, please do contact us below via the contact form: