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Mike Ayres – Financial Services Sector Specialist

At the start of 2018 the financial landscape was supposed to change with the introduction ‘open banking’ as PSD 2 coming into force. Whilst it is fair to say that there wasn’t an overnight change there are many companies converting their ideas into reality, utilising the banks data on consumers to provide new and improved services.

Part of the problem has been due to the banks delayed implementation of the required APIs, but exciting consumers with the possibilities has proved more difficult than expected.

Fintech Expertise

Advisory services – new companies need to have a plan and in place and consider all areas of the business to ensure they are attractive to potential investors.

Outsourcing support – to assist with bookkeeping or preparing management accounts.

Corporate Finance – funding is key to the growth of fintech businesses, ensuring you choose the right source is important.

As a growing business it is important to have the right people around you with the understanding of your business and sector. Equally important is ensuring that you can get on with making the business a success.

Can incremental productivity gains deliver lasting value?

Accounting Computer Graphic

Most people already know that UK productivity is not as strong as it should be, but do you understand why it matters and what you can do about it?

In our latest business services insights report, we explore why and how business owners can boost productivity within their own operations.

Everyone Wants ‘More for More’


In this business services sector white paper, we explore the contribution that small and medium-sized business services firms make to the UK economy and how to achieve growth even in uncertain economic times.

Instead of giving into such cost pressures, however, most forward-looking business services firms realise that the key to growth is convincing customers that they are worth ‘more for more’ – but how should they go about it?

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