Forgetting to file a form on time, incorrect company name, registration number or figures in your calculations on forms, are all common mistakes which are easily made, but with the new Companies House powers…

“Ensure information contained in the register is accurate and that the register contains everything it ought to contain; and ensure that records kept by the registrar do not create a false or misleading impression to members of the public”.

It is imperative that these errors are corrected.

From the 4th of March 2024, the new Companies House robust powers came into force allowing the Registrar to query information with regards to the accuracy of filings made. More importantly the Registrar will be able to make annotations on registers where they believe filings have been consistently filed incorrectly. This can have an impact on funding through banks, investors or on the sale of a business.

So now is the time to take steps to check and clean up the filing history, especially if your company has undertaken share transactions, making sure you have all the correct forms filed and asking yourself, do they contain the correct information?

The responsibility for the filings made on the register lies with the directors of the company, and if your case escalates to a formal enquiry by Companies House, and you do not respond within 14 days, this is a criminal offence and there could be serious consequences including:

  • A financial penalty
  • Prosecution

How can we help?

  • By joining our Company Secretarial Package Service, we ensure that we maintain statutory registers to the best standard, making sure the filing history is correct.
  • Or alternatively, we offer a Filing History Investigation Service, making sure that all filings made from incorporation are correct.

For further details on the above services please contact us on

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Company Secretarial Director

Anna-Lisa Brandini

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