As another UK tax year draws to a close, here is a summary of the employer’s reporting deadlines that are approaching. If you have any questions about any of the reporting obligations, please just let us know.

Approaching deadlines:

4 April 2024 – Gender Pay Gap Reporting

If you employ 250 or more people on a specific date each year (the “snapshot” date), you must submit a Gender Pay Gap Report within a year of the snapshot date.

5 April 2024 – Payrolling Benefits

If you intend to payroll benefits and expenses, you must register with HMRC using the payrolling employees’ taxable benefits and expenses online service before the start of the tax year.

31 May 2024 – Short Term Business Visitors Report

If the UK business has had visitors from overseas group companies, there is a reporting obligation via the STBV route, otherwise PAYE will apply.

5 July and 19 or 22 October 2024 – PAYE Settlement Agreement

A PAYE settlement Agreement (PSA) will allow you to pay tax/NI on benefits (minor, irregular or impractical) provided to staff, to ensure employees are not financially disadvantaged. If you need to put in place a PSA for the first time, or need to vary an existing PSA, you’ll need an agreement from HMRC – the deadline for this is 5th July . The deadline to pay over any tax and NI owed under the PSA is 19th or 22nd Oct depending on the method of payment.

6 July 2024 – P11D Reporting

If you provide expenses or benefits to your employees or directors, you must submit an annual report of taxable expenses or benefits to HMRC.

6 July 2024 and 19 or 22 July 2024 – P11D (b) Reporting

Whether you payroll your benefits or submit P11D Returns, a P11D(b) return is also due by 6 July 2024 to declare the class 1A NIC payable on payrolled and P11D benefits in kind for the tax year to 5 April 2024.This liability is payable by 19th or 22nd July 2024 depending on the method of payment.

6 July 2024 – Share Plan Reporting

If your company operates a share scheme you must submit an Employment Related Securities (ERS)  return to HMRC every year for all schemes, including one-off awards or gifts of shares. An annual ERS return is required for every registered scheme, whether approved or unapproved – even if there is nothing to report. The type of return depends upon the type of registered scheme.

Compulsory Payrolling of Benefits

Payrolling of benefits will become the default mandatory method for reporting taxable benefits from 6 April 2026. Employers should start thinking about what this means for their employees , their systems and processes. Where possible employers should consider doing this now (for the next tax year) before the compulsory obligations set in the following year.

For further information and support please reach out to your usual contact at Menzies or contact us via the form below:

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    Sanjukta Ray

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