About BusinessOptix:

Incorporated in 2010, BusinessOptix is a market recognised solution software provider which helps businesses across a wide range of sectors to achieve process excellence, transform the way they operate and realise valuable efficiencies for customers and associates.
Q: What challenge was the business facing, and why did you decide to approach Menzies LLP for support?

A: “Following our MBO in 2017, we wanted to take BusinessOptix on the next stage of its growth journey by expanding our client base within the thriving US tech market. With a number of US clients already on our books, establishing an on-the-ground presence in the country seemed like a logical next step, but we wanted to ensure that this was the right strategic move and learn more about the risks and opportunities involved.
“As our trusted advisors, the international team at Menzies LLP was our first port of call when it came to learning more about the operation, tax and legal issues associated with entering the US market. Hosted around the same time, the firm’s panel discussion – ‘Doing business in the US’ – also helped to crystallise some of the key challenges involved, while introducing us to experts from its international network, HLB International.
“One of the key takeaways from the event was the significant regulatory differences between the UK and the US jurisdictions, and the importance of asking the right questions, at the right time. We came away convinced that the firm could guide us through the process, ensuring we know exactly what questions to ask at each stage of the expansion timeline.”
Q: What steps did Menzies LLP take and what solutions did it put in place?
A: “By making use of its on-the-ground resources and expertise in both the UK and US, the firm was able to provide BusinessOptix with a truly cross-border solution. Building on their existing knowledge of the business, the international team worked closely with us to develop a plan which was in line with our overall business strategy, and complemented our UK operations. This involved drawing on the support of network partners for a range of matters, from advising on aspects of US employment law to federal and state tax requirements.
“To support us in scaling up, Menzies LLP has also recently helped us to transition to a new US limited liability holding company structure. This has further fuelled our US expansion drive by providing access to growth capital, while optimising the tax position of our existing shareholders.”
Q: Were there any particular challenges to be overcome, and how did Menzies LLP achieve this?

A: “Opening a bank account might not spring to mind as a key challenge associated with expanding overseas, but it proved far from straightforward. The process was a reminder of the many differences that apply in running a business in the UK, and in the States. The process involved navigating the country’s strict regulatory landscape, and securing registrations for each individual state where BusinessOptix operates.
“Another significant challenge involved putting in place the right share structure to incentivise our employees, without falling foul of complex US tax rules.”
Q: What was the end result? What’s the next step for BusinessOptix?
A: “From starting out as a small UK software company, BusinessOptix is now an international organisation, with turnover growing significantly year-on-year. As our international reach continues to grow, with new clients being added in far flung locations, we will be calling on Menzies help to structure the right solutions in additional territories.
Q: How would you describe the process of working with Menzies LLP to achieve this goal?
A: “The firm’s international connectivityand expertise in global business matters is impressive and allowed us to navigate the expansion process smoothly, and begin reaping the rewards of stepping up our US trading activity straight away. Backed by advisers who understand our strategic aims and objectives, BusinessOptix is now in a strong position to continue its growth trajectory over the coming years, and we look forward to continuing to work together to achieve this goal.”
If you’re a business owner with international ambition, learn more about how Menzies LLP can support you here: