Our approach

Through our proactive “Brighter Thinking” methodology, we strategically plan to maximise the value of your estate, safeguard family assets and facilitate a smooth transfer of wealth to the next generation and beyond.

Often simple steps can be put in place to reduce the inheritance tax exposure for the family, protecting family wealth. From straight forward steps such as making gifts out of income, to use of more complex trust structures, or Family Investment Companies (FICs), we can work with you to create a tailored personal wealth plan, which we can revisit with you throughout your life.

We work collaboratively with your external advisors, or our in-house financial advisors to offer a joined-up approach. This allows us to encompass comprehensive cash flow planning, IHT efficient investments and grow the family wealth.

Ultimately, our aim is to provide comfort, reassurance, and a tailored wealth plan, whilst minimising tax liabilities, ensuring your wishes are honoured and your assets are preserved for generations to come.

With our proactive and collaborative approach, we strive to empower you to achieve your financial goals and secure the legacy you envision for your family.

Our services

Our advisors seek to protect and manage your long term wealth.  We regularly advise on all business and personal tax matters including Trust and Family Investment Company (FIC) structures, Wealth planning and tax and inheritance tax planning.  Our experienced team can advise and support you in the following areas:

  • Inheritance tax and succession planning. Including calculation of your Inheritance exposure and suggestions to reduce it.  Reviews of your Will to ensure they are drafted in a tax efficient manner and achieve the outcome desired by you.
  • Wealth planning from regulated financial advisors (Menzies Wealth Management).
  • Maximising reliefs and exemptions available to ensure you are making gifts where appropriate and maintaining suitable records.
  • Review of Business Property Relief on shares, or agricultural property on qualifying property
  • Advice on use of trusts to protect assets.
  • Advice and implementation on Family Investment Companies (FICs)
  • Advice on passing the family business down to the next generation.

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