We apologise we have now reached capacity on this date. We are hosting a second event the following week on Wednesday 21st February 2018. We hope you are able to join us.

Click here to register to the new date.

GDPR Event details

Date Tuesday 13th February 2018
Venue Menzies London Office, Lynton House, 7-12 Tavistock Square, London, WC1H 9LT
Timings 08:00am – Arrival
08:30am – Presentation and Q&A session
10:00am – Networking
Keynote Speakers Ruth Mantle and John MacKnight of CRA Risk Analysis
Menzies Speaker Kylie Grant of Menzies

The key takeaways:

With 25 May 2018 fast approaching, cyber and information security must be a top priority for all businesses, regardless of size. Topics covered:

  • Learn from CRA’s experience in going on the GDPR compliance journey.
  • Understand how a risk based approach can help identify and prioritise what you need to do.
  • Take a holistic risk approach to data management and governance and leverage business benefits.
  • Accelerate your compliance journey to minimise risk of non-compliance.
  • Adopting a practical approach to GDPR using a case study example.
  • Contact us

If you have any further questions or queries, please contact Kirstie Cooper by phoning 0207 4651976 or via email at KCooper@menzies.co.uk.

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