Priyan Patel

Senior Manager


I am a Senior Manager in the Forensic and Valuation Services team at Menzies.  I hold a degree in Mathematics & Economics from the LSE.

My career began in 2012 in KPMG’s Audit practice, where I trained and qualified as a Chartered Accountant in 2015.  On qualifying, I moved to the Disputes Advisory Services team in KPMG’s Forensic practice, where I stayed until July 2021, before moving to the Forensic Services department of Evelyn Partners (formerly Smith and Williamson).

My forensic experience includes supporting Expert Witnesses (Accounting, Audit, Economics and Valuation experts) in international arbitration and commercial litigation cases; valuation and report writing for a Single Joint Expert in the course of divorce proceedings; investigative analysis and report writing as part of auditor negligence or fraud claims; and financial analysis and report drafting for an appointed Expert Determiner.

I have also supported the appointed Monitoring Trustee responsible for monitoring an entity’s compliance with restrictions imposed on it by the European Commission, and supported the appointed Independent Adjudicator to assess whether applications to a break clause scheme (established following a CMA investigation) met the requirements to be considered under that scheme.

In my spare time, I volunteer with my local Sea Cadet unit, and enjoy swimming, SCUBA diving and sailing.
