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Articulating a quality driven business culture

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Building a Quality Driven Culture

In the first of a six piece content series Mike Ayres examines each of the steps that businesses should take if they want to develop and empower a quality driven culture across their organisations.

Three key factors in articulating a quality driven business culture

The dictionary definition for articulate is ‘having or showing the ability to speak fluently and coherently’. In this context we are talking about business leader’s ability to articulate a clear vision and set of values that represent where the business wants to be and what it wants to be known for.


Employees are central to the business and to instil a quality driven culture it is important that everyone in your team buys into the plan. To do this you need to ensure that they understand what it is that you are doing and how they need to contribute and commit.


Communication is key to success, different approaches and styles will work better for different companies. You need to consider the number of employees that need to be reached, their locations and their demographic.

Depending on the makeup of your team different methods of communication may be appropriate. Options may include a group presentation, printed hard copy materials, one to one discussions, workshops or a combination of all of these.


Once the idea has been created and communicated once it can easily be forgotten unless it is reinforced. This is how an idea can transform and become a cultural ethos.

To effectively do this, the entire team needs to be encouraged to think about it in everything they do. Communication at this stage should be regular and supportive, it may be that some staff are yet to fully buy in to the concept and feedback should be encouraged and addressed.

By only listening to the positive responses it is likely that the employees giving constructive criticism will feel alienated and as such will not reflect the desired values.

As well as having specialists in the business services sector, Menzies consultancy team can discuss your vision and values and provide further details and recommendations on how you can implement a quality driven culture.

To discuss further and see how we can help you contact Mike Ayres by email at or by phone on 01252 894911.

More for More – Six Steps to Instilling a Quality Driven Culture

A ‘more for more’ business culture is key to the future success of service sector businesses such as those in legal, recruitment, financial services, marketing and other professional services. Menzies Business Services Insights report details how to instil and maintain a quality driven culture.

Download our FREE Business Services white paper.