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Share Incentives Toolbox

Share incentives, long favoured by technology companies as a way to attract and retain top talent, are finding favour in other business sectors. As the economy improves, ambitious entrepreneurs looking to ride the wave of recovery are finding that, this time round, there is a surprisingly wide range of tools for incentivising staff.

For most companies, the Enterprise Management Incentive (EMI) plan is still the definitive share scheme. It is the single most tax-advantaged form of remuneration available. And if structured correctly, can result in a tax charge as low as 10%.

Unfortunately, not all companies or employees are eligible for EMI. Problems arise where gross assets exceed £30 million, companies have more than 250 staff and if employees do not work sufficient hours. The good news is that, if EMI is not possible, there are a number of alternatives.
Read the extended update to find out the alternatives here.