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Moving office and managing change

Change is inevitable in the workplace. It may be due to advances in technology, market changes, organisational restructuring, or global crises; whatever the reason, organisations must adapt to remain competitive and relevant.

Managing change can be a challenging task that requires careful planning, effective communication, and strong leadership. We recently moved office location which sounds relatively straight forward in the grand scheme of organisational change, however there is always something that is overlooked despite the planning and you have to recognise that human beings inherently dislike change which adds an additional hurdle. As soon as an individual’s daily routine is fundamentally disrupted and there is an element of the unknown, anxiety levels creep up. Managing this is not easy and everyone is different but being aware and maintaining effective communication will make a positive impact.

Key strategies for managing change in the workplace to ensure a smooth transition and promote employee engagement and productivity include:


A successful change initiative begins with a clear vision. Leaders should articulate the purpose and benefits of the change to their team, providing a compelling reason for them to embrace it. This vision should be communicated consistently and transparently, ensuring the team understand the strategic direction in which the organisation is heading and how they fit into the bigger picture.


Communication is crucial during times of change. Team members should be encouraged to share their concerns, ask questions, and provide feedback. Leaders should create a safe and supportive environment where employees feel comfortable expressing their thoughts. Regular updates through various channels, such as team meetings, emails, or ad hoc coffee break chats, can help keep everyone informed and engaged.


Engaging team members in the change process is vital for successful implementation. When employees feel involved and empowered, they are more likely to embrace change and contribute to its success. Seek input from employees at all levels, involve them in decision-making processes, and provide opportunities for them to contribute their expertise and ideas. This involvement creates a sense of ownership and increases commitment to the change.


Change often requires new skills and knowledge. Providing adequate training and support to employees can help them navigate the transition more effectively. Identify the specific skills and competencies required for the change and design training programmes to address those needs. Additionally, offer individual support, such as coaching or mentoring, to help employees adapt to new roles or responsibilities.


Leaders play a critical role in managing change. They must serve as role models by embodying the behaviours and attitudes they expect from others. Demonstrating enthusiasm, resilience, and a positive outlook can inspire others and create a culture of change acceptance. Leaders should also be accessible and approachable, encouraging open dialogue and addressing concerns promptly.


Change can be a challenging and demanding process. Acknowledging and celebrating milestones along the way can help boost morale and maintain momentum. Recognise individuals and teams for their efforts and achievements, and publicly celebrate the progress made. This recognition not only reinforces the positive aspects of change but also encourages others to stay engaged and committed.


Change is a dynamic process, and it is essential to monitor its progress continually. Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to assess the impact of the change and measure success. Solicit feedback from employees to identify any obstacles or areas that require improvement. Flexibility and adaptability are crucial to ensure the change remains on track and aligned with organisational goals.

We brought our team along on our journey as much as possible by implementing frequent team meetings which communicated our vision, gained feedback and wish lists, talked through concerns and celebrated the move. Managing change is complex and I am sure we can learn from our office move when it comes to the next change management programme, but with the right strategies and a bit of planning and preparation, organisations can navigate it successfully. Embracing change as an opportunity for growth and innovation can lead to a more agile and resilient workplace, better equipped to thrive in an ever-evolving business landscape.

If you have any questions regarding the above, please get in contact with us via the below contact form: